Who We Are.

Our Philosophy

Inside Out Costa Rica is the go-to travel & living guide for anyone looking to visit or move to Costa Rica. We provide reliable and informative resources about travel, lodging, tours, transportation, immigration & insider lifestyle tips. Our mission is to make it easier for you to find the information that you need to unlock your journey to discover a side of Costa Rica like never before experienced. With our unique value proposition that focuses on empowering each person’s individual journey into discovery beyond traditional tourist spots, we aim to create an experience full of adventure and enriching memories. We want those coming from abroad to feel welcome and at home as they explore all that this paradise has to offer.

Our Team

We are a dedicated team of local Costa Ricans, each an expert in all things about this amazing country. Our collective knowledge spans areas like travel, tourism, real estate, retirement and legal. We bring this depth of expertise and insider perspective to our work, ensuring that we are always in tune with the latest news and regulations about Costa Rica. Together, we are committed to using this collective knowledge to help drive innovative solutions that not only benefits our clients but also contributes to the sustainable growth and economic development of our beloved homeland.